Come be a part of it 

We are revolutionizing the training and performance of CPR in our communities.

Hands For Life is a free CPR training event that can teach anyone to be a lifesaver. Since its inception in 2009 we have trained over 20,000 people in Stamford, New Canaan, Darien and the surrounding communities, including our World Record setting event in 2012. 

On September 26th, 2015 we trained over 10,000 people! This event was spearheaded by The City of Stamford and Stamford Hospital. 

The Facts:

  • 75% of cardiac arrests will happen in the home. 
  • 75-85% of witnessed cardiac arrests will be witnessed by family or friends.
  • 50% of patients who have a cardiac arrest will have no symptoms before their event.
  • Chance of death increases 10% for each minute without CPR and defibrillation.
  • Performing CPR immediately DOUBLES the chance of survival.
  • Locally, only 25% of patients get CPR by a bystander at the time of arrest.
  • 70% of people feel helpless in a cardiac emergency because they don't know how to perform CPR or are afraid they may hurt the victim.
  • The greatest risk occurs when you do nothing.

Anyone can learn how to perform HANDS-ONLY CPR in only 15 minutes.

This event was supported by the Stamford Public Schools, the American Heart Association, Stamford Downtown, Chelsea Piers CT and many community leaders and businesses.

We continue to need your help in revolutionizing the training and performance of CPR in our communities.